frases mar frases marfrases mar

As "frases mar" is a core keyword, it is probably safe to assume that you are looking for phrases related to the sea in Portuguese language. The Portuguese language is known for its rich vocabulary when it comes to the sea. Here are some phrases that might interest you: - O mar é um infinito de emoções. (The sea is an infinity of emotions.) - O mar é um mundo cheio de vida. (The sea is a world full of life.) - O mar é um espelho da alma. (The sea is a mirror of the soul.) - Quando olho para o mar, sinto-me em paz. (When I look at the sea, I feel at peace.) - As ondas do mar são como a vida, umas vezes calmas, outras vezes turbulentas. (The waves of the sea are like life, sometimes calm, sometimes turbulent.) - O cheiro do mar é como um bálsamo para a alma. (The smell of the sea is like a balm for the soul.) - O mar tem o poder de nos deixar pequenos perante a sua imensidão. (The sea has the power to make us feel small before its immensity.) These are just a few examples of phrases related to the sea in Portuguese. The sea has always been a source of inspiration for poets, writers, and artists around the world. Its beauty, power, and mystery have the ability to move us and stir our souls.