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frases picantes Hari Ini

frases picantes - frases de platon


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As "frases picantes" is the core keyword, I conducted a thorough search across the web to bring you the hottest and spiciest Portuguese phrases. However, I must warn you that some of these phrases contain adult language and innuendos. So, only proceed if you're comfortable with that. Here goes nothing - "Se você fosse um hambúrguer, seria um X-Princesa porque você é a realeza da beleza. Mas não me culpe se eu quiser morder você!" This translates to - "If you were a burger, you'd be an X-Princess as you are the royalty of beauty. But don't blame me if I want to take a bite out of you!" Moving on, "Desculpe, mas você me deve um beijo. Eu fui roubado pelo seu olhar sedutor." This is "excuse me, but you owe me a kiss. I was stolen by your seductive gaze." "Posso te oferecer uma bebida ou você prefere o dinheiro?" - "Can I offer you a drink or would you prefer money?" is perfect for those feeling cheeky. If you're looking to turn up the heat, this one should suffice - "Você é tão quente que derreteu o gelo do meu coração. Agora mal posso esperar para derreter na sua cama, querida!" Translated, it says, "You're so hot you melted the ice around my heart. Now, I can't wait to melt in your bed, darling!" Lastly, let's keep it simple - "Você é tão gostoso/a que eu poderia te comer" - "You're so delicious that I could eat you". I hope these frases picantes made you feel the heat!
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